Wednesday, December 17, 2014


1. I like all my short little poems like my haiku about sleep and my six word memoirs. I think short and simple writing is almost better than complex pieces. I enjoyed writing a story based off of the Harris Burdick drawings because I haven’t written a short story like that in a long time. I hated the Paint Chip Poem because the words on my paint chip were long and weird and I had the worst time trying to think of something to write. I think you can tell. Writing a scary story was really fun, I loosely based mine off of Silence of the Lambs which I had just watched days before the assignment. It would be fun to make a cheesy horror movie one day. When we were talking about dreams I wrote in my journal about a nightmare I had the night before and it’s so cool to read it again because I had completely forgotten about it. It’s so easy to look back through my journal and get inspired to write something new.
2. We’ve read Billy Collin’s poem “On Turning Ten” about how he is scared to grow up. I enjoyed the way he worded all of his fears and all his metaphors were really interesting. I loved reading the Halloween stories written by my other classmates, there are so many talented writers in this class. Makenzie’s story about paranormal activity was really interesting and she had a great way of telling a story. I’ve read a lot of pieces by Bo because we always ask to read each other’s stories. She has a really dark but creative mind. Her story about a haunted carousel gave me chills. I haven’t read much outside of class but I did read these old “Grimm’s Fairy Tales” because I love stories like that. However, they were mostly dark and sad but still written so well. I used a lot of quotes from the book for my project in another class.
3. At first I was annoyed with setting up a blog. I didn’t want all my not so great pieces on display for anyone to read. But it’s nice to have an archive of my work to see how my writing has grown. My blog’s name was really generic, just my name, because I couldn’t think of anything clever and original. I hope no one reads my work, there are only two or three posts I’m actually proud of. I might continue to use my blog just so I can come back later in life and see all the things I’ve written. I think I’d post a lot of poems or funny things that happened so I can look back and laugh.
4. I really enjoyed journaling because it’s nice to just get inspired and write whatever. Then when I get stuck I can flip back through and get inspired by my writing again. I don’t really want anyone else to read it just because there are a lot of random and unfinished pieces from trying to brain storm. I will continue to journal because I really enjoy writing for fun that’s why I have a journal for dreams, a journal for my bucket list, and a diary of mostly poems.
5. Growing up Means Saying Goodbye To… innocence. You lose your idea of the world being big and beautiful and instead realize your whole life is dealing with stress and work and that bad people actually do exist. Growing up means saying goodbye to feeling young and free like the whole world is out there waiting for you.
"But nothing! We're going!"
Sam turned away from John and started rummaging through his room for "supplies".
"So... you guys think this is a good idea too?" John stuttered.
Of course we do! Think of the stories we'd get to tell!" Tim yelled over the now blaring stereo on the dresser.
"Fine... I guess we're going..."
After what seemed like hours of packing, Sam was finally done. He had two backpacks filled with spare clothes, matches, a pocket knife, an expired twinkie, and a partly squished bottle of water. The three boys got up from the bed, looking dizzy from all of their daydreaming, and joined Sam at the window. One by one, they all climbed out the old wooden frame and onto the cold mildewy lawn
7. I would love to write a children’s story one day, with little watercolor pictures, or maybe even a novel. Writing creatively is such a great way to use your imagination because you can create your own little world. It’s so much better than other writing you do in life like essay’s and reports, it lets you open your mind.

8. Thank you for being so inspiring and kind. Everyone in here is so nice and funny and we all just talk as a class and tell stories which made it really fun. I hope everyone has a great rest of the year!

Thursday, December 4, 2014

101 Facts About Me

1. I have a birth mark above my butt that's slowly fading away
2. I once had a jar of peanut butter that I took care of and named it Peter
3. I have light brown eyes that sometimes look hazel, although my mom disagrees
4. There is nothing more awful than someone repeating the same word multiple times within the same sentence, like "Brown, her eyes were brown, not light brown but dark brown".
5. I'm known for being incredibly shy in public or in big groups, but I'm obnoxiously loud and entertaining around my close friends and family
6. I like the sound of rain, I always take naps on rainy days because the dark sky and the blowing trees in the wind always seems so soothing
7. my hair is naturally an ugly light brown color but since 7th grade I've gotten highlights about once or twice a year.
8. I've had a piece of my art hung in the Art Museum
9. I've had my poems published in a book with four other students
10. I saw Blink-182 in concert
11. I love fluffy cats more than anything ever
12. Christmas time is probably the best thing in the whole world and I don't know what I'd do without it
13. I used to have an intense fear of sharks, which didn't go over well when we went to the beach for vacation
14. my family once went to an old "haunted" hospital/prisoners camp/orphanage and I cried the entire time we went through the tour because I didn't like being where people had died
15. I used to want to run away when I got upset but I was too scared to actually run away so I'd go ten feet away from the house and hide behind a huge bush and wait for my family to come look for me
16. my friend and I once made sushi out of onion grass and fern leaves we found in the yard, didn't even wash them
17.I snuck out to a party with my friends when I was 14 and all I did was awkwardly stand there stressing out about getting into trouble
18. I love everything about the beach like the hot sun, the sand, the seashells, the waves, the sandcastles, the tans, everything
19.Will Ferrell and Seth Rogan are two of the funniest people ever born
20.i have a nervous habit of chewing my nails
21. I hate wearing shoes and i avoid them at all costs
22. I rewatch the same tv show over and over for weeks until I've seen every episode like four times
23. im too shy to order my own food or checkout at the register by myself
24. shopping is only fun when it's not my own money
25. I'm a big supporter in feminism
26. I used to be really scared of the dark. I slept with the entire closet light on up until about 8th grade, then I just kept my laptop open on my bed as a night light
27. I will hate you if you misshandle my books by bending and creasing the pages
28. i love practicing yoga and breathing exercises, it's very cathardic
29. i used to always visit art museums and try to draw the sculptures
30. I dont have any faith or religion, it's never been something I believed in
31. i only listen to my music exteremely loud, if the stereo's not shaking then it's not loud enough
32. i have a piggy bank collection
33. i only do stupid and reckless things when my friends are around
34. i collect dried, flattened, flowers in a thick book on my dresser
35.i've had the same diary since i was in 7th grade
36. i don't believe ghosts because i mean, come on.
37. i only like boys that know how to dress
38. i believe people see what they wanna see
39. i hate writing with pens and mechanical pencils
40. my favorite color is pink
41. i get cranky when i'm hungry
42.concerts are one of the greatest joys in life
43. when i wake up in the morning i write down my dreams/nightmares in a little journal that sits next to my bed
44. im a democrat
45. i can't stand watching sports, it seems to go on forever
46. i used to hate being short but about a year ago i realized it doesn't matter
47. i love Eminem, Blink-182, The Killers, Beyonce, and Taylor Swift
48. i hate the smell of cigarette smoke, and i odly enjoy the smell of gasoline
49. i love being outside 24/7
50. i'm known for over-analyzing everything
51. i always convince myself that im about to die everytime i notice an odd bruise or random pain, im a very big hypocondriac 
52. i want to be a laywer sometimes, other times i say teacher, other times i just don't care
53. i am a Leo and proud of it
54. i stopped drinking soda after i realized i was having two or three cans a day
55. i love smoothies and drinking smothies and making smoothies, just everything about smoothies
56. i used to make elaborate power point presentations to convince my parents of something
57. i once owned two guinea pigs, but sold them to a nice family
58. i've always had trust issues even though nothing caused them
59. scary movies are great until its pitch black and i can't sleep
60. i love to sing and rap really loud in the shower
61. while at a friends house, the other girl and i snuck out at 1:00 to go buy food but everywhere we walked was already closed. I was convinced we were going to die
62. i love princesses and fairy tales and childrens books and disney movies, they make me feel so happy and innocent

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Learning to Walk

I was young,
I could barely crawl.
Holding their hands,
every step of the way.
They walked on their own,
heads held high.

I am older,
I can barely walk.
Sometimes I slip, my foundation still weak.
Insecure and shaky,
but I will grow.

I will be older,
I will walk tall.
Independant and secure,
my foundation will be strong.
Their heads held high,
and so is mine.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Oh, The Places You'll Go!

Title: Oh, The Places You'll Go!
Author of Book: Dr. Seuss
No author's bio
The cover shows a small boy standing on top of a large swirly structure with lots of pastel colors.
# of pages: 44
Characters: a small boy with no name, people and creatures in the background art
Describe the Settings: weird unusual places with weird creatures and bright colors.
Summarize the book: The author is trying to teach children about life. He talks about going in the right direction, always moving forward, and it's ok to be alone sometimes. That although life is scary, you will succeed.
Does this book...
Have animals as characters? yes
Use rhyme? yes
Teach a lesson of some kind? yes
Have monsters or creatures? yes
Have kids as characters? yes
Have adults as characters? yes
Use humor? yes
Have illustrations? yes
Use color? yes
Use actual photos? no
Have a more sentimental/lovey tone? yes
Lots of words per page? no
One word or phrase repeated throughout? yes

Favorite Line:
All Alone! Whether you like it or not,
Alone will be something
you'll be quite a lot.

This book is appropriate for all ages, I think as a child you read it and think of going on adventures and seeing the world, but when you get older, you see how life really turns out and actually understand what dr. Seuss was trying to say.
I would have liked this book as a kid because I've always loved Dr. Seuss and the way he can put important messages into easy to understand books for children.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

This Is...

This is us.
My mom looks
with her big blue eyes
into her daughter's
and see's herself.

her heart in her hands
my feet in mine
she's filled with love
it fills me too.

This is family.

Photo Hunt

Someone who has taught you something or helped you somehow
My best friend vanessa, who left class just to take this picture, has helped me with so much. I've told her everything since we met in freshman year, and she's always talked me through all my problems. Through boy drama and fights, we've stuck together through it all. I don't know where i'd be without her there. #calleachotherboo

Something beautiful
I've always liked the rocks they have in the science wing. I think they're so pretty because they're just natural, it became sparkly and colorful all by itself and I really like that. #purplequartz
 Something round
Found a large slice of a tree trunk in the science wing. I like the big cut out of it, now it looks like pac man. #notalottosayaboutapieceofwood
Something from nature.
This is a picture of leaves that fell from the tree outside, even though they're dead, they look so pretty. With all their golds, reds, and yellows they just represent fall and thanksgiving. They make me remind me of raking piles of leaves and jumping into them with my siblings. #totalwhitegirlwholovesfall
Something a kid would notice.
Paper animals hanging from the ceiling on colored string. I thought kids would like to watch them spin around in the air, but i don't really know. #kidsareweird
Something that remidns me of Kickapoo. The Chiefs plaque in the new student center. Freshman year all the older kids told us rumors that if you stepped on it then a bunch of seniors would come beat you up. So for the rest of the year everyone would be careful to step around it just in case any seniors were watching. #nooneactuallygotbeatupthough
An interesting angle
I like this picture of my keyboard because of the angle, everything gets small and blury towards the back of the picture but at the front it's very clear and sharp. #keyboardsinthelab

Something handwritten
well, now its painted, but they hand wrote it on the wall so that counts #justtryingtofinish

Something that looks like a face
The dot in the center is an eye and the big curve under it is his mouth open wide, its a profile view. #monsterface

Friday, November 7, 2014

Iconic Images of 2000's

I didn’t understand the significance of the date 9/11. It was seventh grade when i looked on the board in Math and saw the date written on the top corner, underneath a small phrase about hope. I was so confused, what was so special about this date? And then after the announcements, my tall blonde teacher with sad eyes turned on the projector and played a video. Footage and photos of something so tragic and incredible, how could something like this ever happen? And how come I'd never heard about it? I kept quiet, in shock. Some girls whispering to each other, boys making inappropriate remarks. I still don't understand why boys make jokes out of such serious issues, but I guess that's a different topic. When I went home that day I told my dad I’d never heard of 9/11 before, he got angry and said Allison that is ridiculous of course you have. Big things like that make him uncomfortable to talk about it, I can tell, so I just dropped the subject. Since then, every year my mom and I watch 9/11 documentaries when they come on. I think getting more information about a subject like this is painful but it makes it easier to understand. Although I’ve learned so much about what happened, there’s still so much I don’t get. I’ve read a lot of articles talking about how the terrorist organization that did this has nothing to do with the place we went to war with, that President George Bush used people’s fear of terrorism as a tool to get re-elected, start a war, etc. I don’t like politics sometimes. Even though it’s been four years since that day in seventh grade, I feel just as uneducated about what happened on 9/11.