Wednesday, December 17, 2014


1. I like all my short little poems like my haiku about sleep and my six word memoirs. I think short and simple writing is almost better than complex pieces. I enjoyed writing a story based off of the Harris Burdick drawings because I haven’t written a short story like that in a long time. I hated the Paint Chip Poem because the words on my paint chip were long and weird and I had the worst time trying to think of something to write. I think you can tell. Writing a scary story was really fun, I loosely based mine off of Silence of the Lambs which I had just watched days before the assignment. It would be fun to make a cheesy horror movie one day. When we were talking about dreams I wrote in my journal about a nightmare I had the night before and it’s so cool to read it again because I had completely forgotten about it. It’s so easy to look back through my journal and get inspired to write something new.
2. We’ve read Billy Collin’s poem “On Turning Ten” about how he is scared to grow up. I enjoyed the way he worded all of his fears and all his metaphors were really interesting. I loved reading the Halloween stories written by my other classmates, there are so many talented writers in this class. Makenzie’s story about paranormal activity was really interesting and she had a great way of telling a story. I’ve read a lot of pieces by Bo because we always ask to read each other’s stories. She has a really dark but creative mind. Her story about a haunted carousel gave me chills. I haven’t read much outside of class but I did read these old “Grimm’s Fairy Tales” because I love stories like that. However, they were mostly dark and sad but still written so well. I used a lot of quotes from the book for my project in another class.
3. At first I was annoyed with setting up a blog. I didn’t want all my not so great pieces on display for anyone to read. But it’s nice to have an archive of my work to see how my writing has grown. My blog’s name was really generic, just my name, because I couldn’t think of anything clever and original. I hope no one reads my work, there are only two or three posts I’m actually proud of. I might continue to use my blog just so I can come back later in life and see all the things I’ve written. I think I’d post a lot of poems or funny things that happened so I can look back and laugh.
4. I really enjoyed journaling because it’s nice to just get inspired and write whatever. Then when I get stuck I can flip back through and get inspired by my writing again. I don’t really want anyone else to read it just because there are a lot of random and unfinished pieces from trying to brain storm. I will continue to journal because I really enjoy writing for fun that’s why I have a journal for dreams, a journal for my bucket list, and a diary of mostly poems.
5. Growing up Means Saying Goodbye To… innocence. You lose your idea of the world being big and beautiful and instead realize your whole life is dealing with stress and work and that bad people actually do exist. Growing up means saying goodbye to feeling young and free like the whole world is out there waiting for you.
"But nothing! We're going!"
Sam turned away from John and started rummaging through his room for "supplies".
"So... you guys think this is a good idea too?" John stuttered.
Of course we do! Think of the stories we'd get to tell!" Tim yelled over the now blaring stereo on the dresser.
"Fine... I guess we're going..."
After what seemed like hours of packing, Sam was finally done. He had two backpacks filled with spare clothes, matches, a pocket knife, an expired twinkie, and a partly squished bottle of water. The three boys got up from the bed, looking dizzy from all of their daydreaming, and joined Sam at the window. One by one, they all climbed out the old wooden frame and onto the cold mildewy lawn
7. I would love to write a children’s story one day, with little watercolor pictures, or maybe even a novel. Writing creatively is such a great way to use your imagination because you can create your own little world. It’s so much better than other writing you do in life like essay’s and reports, it lets you open your mind.

8. Thank you for being so inspiring and kind. Everyone in here is so nice and funny and we all just talk as a class and tell stories which made it really fun. I hope everyone has a great rest of the year!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Allison! It has been great getting to know you a little bit and I am glad you had a good experience in my class. I'm sure you will continue to pursue all sorts of artistic, creative avenues. My best wishes to you...
